For the second time in a row, CartONG partnered up with Humanitarian Alternatives for the GeOnG. Through this partnership, we were able to bring more original contents to the agenda of the forum, by ensuring a larger dissemination of the Open Call for Suggestions and by building on the content of issue n°8 on the rise of new technologies in the humanitarian sector and issue n°11 which focuses more generally on the question of climate change. We were also able to reach new actors to help increase the number, and diversify the type of organizations represented at the GeOnG. Lastly, this partnership was also an opportunity for CartONG to highlight the importance of the work that Alternatives Humanitaires do in support of aid actors.

Humanitarian Alternatives/Alternatives Humanitaires is a bilingual (French/English) review devoted to humanitarian action. It was created with the view to:

In its issues published three times a year, Humanitarian Alternatives hosts original articles validated by an Editorial Board that operates independently from its financial partners. Each issue revolves around a specific theme called “Focus” and also includes some of the following sections: Perspectives, Ethics, Transitions, Innovations, Reportage, and Culture. Articles are freely accessible online, and hard copy versions are available by subscription or purchase of individual issues.

The review is supported financially by :

Fondation Action contre la Faim – Fondation Croix-Rouge française – Fondation de France – Fondation Médecins du Monde – Institut HI pour l’Action Humanitaire – Fondation Mérieux – Fondation Roi Baudouin – Fondation Bullukian – Secours Catholique/Caritas France – ACTED – CARE France – Gouvernement princier de Monaco/Direction de la coopération internationale

It works in collaboration with a network of partner universities and institutions, which currently includes:

École Supérieure de Commerce et Développement 3A • Bioforce • Centre d’Études Humanitaires Genève • Observatoire canadien sur les crises et l’action humanitaires (OCCAH) • Université Aix-Marseille / Centre d’Études et de Recherches Internationales et Communautaires (CERIC) • Université de Liège • Université de Lyon / Université Lumière Lyon II • Université Félix Houphouët Boigny / Chaire Unesco pour la culture de la paix, Abidjan • Université Laval • Université Saint Joseph/École Libanaise de Formation Sociale (ELFS), Beyrouth • Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) / Chaire Raoul Dandurand

You can read the publications of Humanitarian Alternatives on the review’s website.